Dolmio & Ben’s Original online sales (vs instore) were under pressure due to shoppers switching to private label alternatives to save money. This problem was common to all brands in the category.
Shoppers tend to have a limited repertoire of 10 meals which they cycle through over a seven-day period.
Deliver meal inspiration across the portfolio against branded search terms when we know shoppers are engaging with the respective brands.
Create a branded zone on key retailer websites which are linked to one another, making it easy for shoppers to be inspired by and buy into new meals and usage occasions.
Shoppers on site are educated on the different uses and variety the ranges have to offer beyond the regular meal options.
The branded zones are live initially for a six-month period and all shoppers who search for the brands will be presented with this experience, inspiring them to add incremental purchases to their baskets and meal plans.
- will receive 150M visitors in the 6-month period the brand zones are live
- Live in the UK market
- No stats provided by client however anticipating a reduction on basket removal rate, higher page conversion, and increased AWOP