Conagra Brands’ Senior Director discusses “Connecting the Dots Between Shopper and Commerce Marketing.”
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With the definition of “retail” changing substantially in recent years as consumers adopted various new ways of buying products, the term “shopper marketing” has fallen out of favor at many brand organizations.
In its place came “commerce marketing,” a term that better defines the full scope of touch points through which brands must now activate to reach potential shoppers. With the name change came the immediate need for the teams formerly known as “shopper marketing” to develop expertise in a variety of new shopping behaviors, engagement tools and sale channels.

In the latest episode of “Clarity in Commerce,” Conagra Brands’ Bob Waibel explains how his team successfully transitioned from “shopper” to “commerce” by adding new skill sets, strengthening internal collaboration, and working more closely with retailer partners to “make every moment shoppable.”
Waibel is Senior Director of Commerce Marketing for Conagra Brands, where he has guided commerce (nee “shopper”) marketing activity for more than 15 years. His illustrious career in CPG also includes tenures at Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, and several other brand organizations, along with time on the agency side. A regular speaker at industry events, Waibel will be inducted into the prestigious Path to Purchase Institute Hall of Fame in May.
Listen to the interview below.
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