by Mars United Commerce | Dec 12, 2023 | Connected Commerce, Insights, Retail Media, Uncategorized
The Mars Agency presents a universal tool for the effective assessment and comparison of retail media platforms. Download the report here. Welcome to the fifth edition of Mars United Commerce’s industry scorecard. The first step in refreshing the introduction to our...
by Mars United Commerce | Dec 11, 2023 | Connected Commerce, Retail Intelligence, Retail Media
The holidays are a critical sales season that inspire retailers to conduct tentpole marketing events across all of their shopper engagement platforms. At CVS Media Exchange (CMX), the retail media network for the nation’s second-largest drugstore chain, that involves...
by Mars United Commerce | Dec 6, 2023 | Amazon, Commerce Media, Retail Media
Download your copy of the Retail Media Report Card: Europe here. With IAB predicting that the retail media industry in Europe will reach €25B by 2027, there is a huge amount of growth to be had — and fast. As the market continues to grow and more and more retail media...
by Peter Breen | Nov 28, 2023 | Ask Marilyn, Connected Commerce, Ecommerce, Retail Media
The following article presents agenda highlights from P2PI Live, the Path to Purchase Institute’s annual conference and expo for commerce marketing professionals. This year’s event was held in St. Louis from Nov. 7-9. Return on Relationship: The New ROAS Conversations...
by Mars United Commerce | Nov 6, 2023 | Amazon, Ecommerce, Retail Media
The Mars Agency’s Ecommerce team provides key takeaways and advertising tips from Amazon Ads’ blockbuster event. If you’ve never heard of unBoxed, there’s a good chance you don’t work with Amazon Ads. If you have heard of unBoxed, there’s a good chance you either...
by Mars United Commerce | Oct 31, 2023 | Connected Commerce, Ecommerce, Insights & Measurement, Retail Media
Advertising Week 2023 was held in the former Manhattan Mall on 33rd Street in New York City, a fact noted as either ironic or wholly appropriate by several of the event’s speakers. The irony came in the fact that executives from across the marketing, publishing, ad...