by Mars United Commerce | Jun 6, 2023 | Connected Commerce, Fast FAQs About Retail Media, Retail Media
The Mars Agency’s Kandi Arrington and Ethan Goodman tackle some of the most common questions that brands are asking about retail media strategy and activation. QUESTION: What percentage of your overall marketing spend should be allocated to retail media? How...
by Mars United Commerce | May 31, 2023 | Retail Media
The Mars Agency presents a universal tool for the effective assessment and comparison of retail media platforms. For the most recent version of the Retail Media Report Card, visit here:Retail Media Report Card: 3Q 2023 Welcome to the third edition of The Mars...
by Mars United Commerce | May 12, 2023 | Fast FAQs About Retail Media, Insights & Measurement, Retail Media
The Mars Agency’s Kandi Arrington and Ethan Goodman tackle some of the most common questions that brands are asking about retail media strategy and activation. QUESTION: In terms of collaborative joint value planning, what retailer is best in class? Kandi...
by Mars United Commerce | Apr 24, 2023 | Fast FAQs About Retail Media, Insights & Measurement, Retail Media
The Mars Agency’s Ethan Goodman and Kandi Arrington tackle some of the most common questions that brands are asking about retail media strategy and activation. QUESTION: Are there any best practices for measuring iROAS? A: Retail media networks, especially the...
by Mars United Commerce | Apr 14, 2023 | Fast FAQs About Retail Media, Insights & Measurement, Retail Media
The Mars Agency’s Ethan Goodman and Kandi Arrington tackle some of the most common questions that brands are asking about retail media strategy and activation QUESTION: What metrics should brands be using to measure retail media performance? Ethan: We always...
by Mars United Commerce | Mar 28, 2023 | Amazon, Kroger, Retail Media, Walmart
The Mars Agency presents a quick take on strategic shifts and tactical initiatives across the ever-evolving retail media landscape. To keep the industry updated between the quarterly editions of our Retail Media Report Card, The Mars Agency is monitoring the efforts...